Toshiba B-EX4T1 Printer

The TOSHIBA B-EX4T1 industrial printer has a print width of 104 mm and it is an ideal printer to use in industrial environments and RFID technologies.


Print method: Direct thermal / Thermal transfer.
Print head: Near edge head.
Resolution: 203/305 dpi (8/12 dots/mm).
Print speed (max.): up to 355 mm/s.
Print width (max.): 104 mm.
Language mode: TPCL, BCI (Basic programmable).
Emulation: ZPL II.
Interface: USB 2.0, LAN 10/100 Base, IPv6, USB Host/RTC.
Accessories: Disc Cutter, Rotary Cutter, Peel-off Module, Ribbon Saver, Fan Fold Guide, RS232, Centronics, Wireless LAN, EX I/O, RFID Module.


The B-EX4T1 is a near-edge print head industrial printer that can be used in a wide variety of applications. With a maximum speed of 350 mm/s, the B-EX4T1 offers a 44% improvement in productivity when compared with the SX range (10 pps). Moreover, its advanced processing features result in a very high performance.


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